
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Cleo's Big Day

On the first day of spring Cleo was grazing the new green grass. She was glad that winter was over because it was too cold for her. Cleo’s fleece was hot so she laid down under a tree.

Then Cleo heard a noise that seemed familiar it was the 4 wheeler bike. Cleo the Ewe heard some barking “woof woof”and went to hide away from the sheepdogs. She was afraid of the sheepdogs because they frightened her when Cleo was a little lamb.

All the sheep made a fast dash away when the dogs came closer and closer. The dogs chased after the sheep, and the dogs got closer and closer the sheep were slowing down.Then the dogs started barking then Cleo hid behind a tree she was waiting for them to go once they went she got out from behind the tree.

The sheep were hopelessly do not know what they are going to do to them. There was a big mob of sheep just waiting around doing nothing.

Then they walked into the shed waiting again for the second time. Then the dogs decided to walk all over the sheep like they think they're the boss. Then it started to move from waiting for ever Cleo made it in then what do you think.

They are in the shed going to sleep. So they can be dry for the shearing in the morning. But Cleo could not sleep because she didn't know what was going to happen to her.

It was the next day Cleo did not know what was going to happen then she heard a shaving sound. There was no turning back she was scared then she felt it. They turned it on to it’s back SHE SAID “HELP HELP THERE GOING TO KILL ME HELP” Once it was finished

Cleo look like she was naked she started saying “WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO ME?”. But she was relieved that she was safe but she didn't want to do it again and she said “LESS IT OVER”.

And she will live happy for the next year until it it happens again. She was so happy her fleece was off so she would not be so hot for the next 12 months.

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